To measure progress against the four crime prevention overarching outcomes, we will collect data from across government department and agencies, as well as community-level data.
Action Area 1 aims to equip and work alongside communities to address risk factors for offending.
Measuring our impact – Action Area 1
To measure progress in Action Area 1 we will track indicators such as the number of people engaged in services related to education and employment, the number of relevant offences in communities, partnerships and alliances formed between community stakeholders, and how communities are feeling about crime and safety.
Connected, inclusive communities are safer communities, and local solutions work best.
Community members know their local, social and cultural context and what solutions could work with the right opportunities and support.
That is why we will invest in communities so they can lead the way in developing and implementing solutions to address the root causes of crime.
Communities can be brought together by geographic location or shared characteristics such as culture, age or experience. We recognise the diverse range of communities in Victoria and the range of opportunities for preventing crime.
We will empower and work with communities on crime prevention efforts in two ways:
- working with specific communities who need the most assistance to prevent crime, and supporting them to design and deliver effective crime prevention initiatives
- delivering enhanced community crime prevention grants to fund innovative approaches to crime prevention across Victoria.
Work under the Strategy will be focused on communities where there are opportunities to improve community safety and support people who require additional support tailored to the local needs and context.

Building Safer Communities Program

The Building Safer Communities Program (BSC Program) is a renewed approach to crime prevention and builds on the lessons learnt from previous programs and initiatives. The BSC Program is designed to empower and invest in communities to implement local, evidence-based and innovative solutions to address crime prevention issues and improve community safety.
The program includes four funding streams:
- Creating Safer Places
- Crime Prevention Innovation Fund
- Empowering Communities
- Youth Engagement Grants
The Creating Safer Places and Crime Prevention Innovation Fund offer grants of between $25,000 - $300,000 which provide Victorian councils, not-for-profit organisations and other stakeholders with the opportunity to apply for funding to undertake crime prevention activities. These may include urban design projects to deter crime and activate public spaces, or partnership projects that deliver and evaluate new and innovative community safety initiatives that address underlying drivers of crime.
The Empowering Communities funding stream delivers targeted grants of $700,000 to priority communities for community-led crime prevention partnership initiatives. These grants recognise that communities are well placed to deliver effective, innovative and sustainable crime prevention approaches when they have access to resources, expertise and practical tools, and are united by a common goal.
The Empowering Communities partnerships also include support to deliver a Building Safer Communities forum to bring together key stakeholders, including:
- local councils
- community organisations
- community members
- local police
- youth services
- schools and,
- crime prevention experts.
to identify local crime issues and discuss how they can be addressed.
The Youth Engagement Grants offer funding up to $50,000 to small multicultural and Aboriginal clubs and organisations to use cultural connection, sport, arts, music or other creative activities to engage children and young people and support them to make positive life choices, establish strong community connections and prevent contact with police and the justice system.
Find out more about the Building Safer Communities Program.
Improving safety at night for women and gender diverse people in the CBD

The City of Melbourne received a $193,000 Crime Prevention Innovation Fund grant through the Building Safer Communities Program to improve safety for women and gender diverse people visiting the city at night.
Project Night Justice will deliver a Night Safety Summit, develop a Night Safety Charter, implement a sexual assault behaviour change and awareness campaign, and a Good Night Out Accreditation program.
The City of Melbourne will work with project partners Victoria Police, Salvation Army, Crime Stoppers Victoria, Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia, Melbourne Licensees Forum and the University of Melbourne.
Project Night Justice will help ensure everyone can safely enjoy Melbourne’s vibrant night-time economy.
Learn about other projects funded under the Building Safer Communities Program.
In the Strategy
- Intervening early to prevent crime
- A joined-up approach to support people and communities in need
- Working with the community across three action areas
- Measuring the impact of our efforts to prevent crime
- Action Area 1 - Empower and invest in communities to implement local solutions
- Action Area 2 - Enhance and connect support for people in need
- Action Area 3 – Evidence and impact for effective and innovative approaches
- How the Strategy was developed
- Go to the Building Safer Communities Program