This Action Area aims to encourage collaboration and strengthen partnerships across different sectors and communities to improve access to targeted, effective crime prevention supports.
Measuring our impact – Action Area 2
To measure progress in Action Area 2, we will track indicators such as increased awareness of local supports and services in communities, principles of cultural safety and inclusion embedded in the design and delivery of crime prevention initiatives, reduced antisocial behaviour in targeted locations, and increased engagement in pro-social activities, such as sport.
Effective crime prevention requires a joined-up approach between government, industry, services and communities to address the root causes of crime and target the risk factors for offending.
To address the factors that drive crime, we will strengthen supports for families, communities and individuals; work across government to enhance employment and education initiatives; and establish innovative community and industry partnerships.
This work will respond to the needs of Victorian communities, particularly through:
- establishing partnerships across sectors, such as sports and youth-focused services, to address risk factors and support communities
- enhancing programs and support for people at risk of involvement with the criminal justice system and piloting innovative approaches and programs
- supporting community initiatives that address specific risk factors for offending through expertise and resourcing
- continuing partnerships with Neighbourhood Watch and Crime Stoppers Victoria to build community awareness and connection, and increase community safety.

Partnership projects test new approaches to crime prevention

We have already established partnerships and pilot projects with Victorian communities, sporting organisations, councils and community organisations to test innovative approaches to crime prevention and to inform the development of this strategy.
These projects included a gender informed lighting project in Darebin, a community engagement project in Kurunjang, support for young people experiencing challenges through partnerships focusing on employment and education, and intensive support for young people in partnership with Youth Activating Youth.
I want to...
- Intervening early to prevent crime
- A joined-up approach to support people and communities in need
- Working with the community across three action areas
- Measuring the impact of our efforts to prevent crime
- Action Area 1 - Empower and invest in communities to implement local solutions
- Action Area 3 – Evidence and impact for effective and innovative approaches
- How the Strategy was developed
- Go to the Building Safer Communities Program