Fast facts
- Project: Lock up, Look out
- Organisation: Mitchell Community Radio OKR FM
- Grant fund: Community Safety Fund
- Grant amount: $342
Inspired by a report in the local paper about burglaries on isolated rural properties, Kilmore-based Mitchell Community Radio developed 9 short episodes about home and car security. The series was called ‘Lock up Look out’ and was designed to help raise awareness about the need to improve security and observe what is going on in the area.
Several planning sessions were undertaken involving a local locksmith, a security expert, Victoria Police and Neighbourhood Watch.
Each episode contained clear, straightforward tips for residents and car owners to help keep their homes and cars safe from theft.
Each tip was simple, inexpensive and easy to implement and some were just plain old common sense. Some of the key tips included:
- Lock the doors and windows of both your house and car.
- Don’t keep valuables on display.
- If you can afford it, invest in good locks. Any lock is better than no lock at all.
- Keep ladders, wheelie bins and tools locked away so they can’t be used to gain entry into your house.
- Keep the front of houses clear to encourage natural surveillance. If neighbours and passers by can see your house, they can also see suspicious activity.
- Be aware of any suspicious activity and report it to the police.
Mitchell Community Radio has also created a CD of the series which has been shared with, and used by, a number of other community radio stations across Victoria.