Car thieves may be either opportunistic or professional. In either case stolen vehicles may be used to commit further offences and be damaged, destroyed or never recovered.

Most car thefts occur in or around private residences, so it is important to take steps to protect your car even when it is parked in a garage, driveway or on a residential street. Read the tips below to find out what steps you can take to protect your car.


Lock Up

  • Lock your car – always physically check it is locked, even  when parking at home or just leaving your car for a moment
  • Close all windows - including sunroof
  • Keep your car locked while driving

Secure Your Car

  • Park your car in a locked garage if possible
  • Park off the street in your driveway if you don’t have a garage
  • Park in a well lit area to increase the risk that others will detect thieves
  • Install an engine immobiliser and car alarm if they are not already fitted
  • Consider using a steering wheel lock – particularly for older vehicles
  • Consider installing a bonnet lock
  • Install a GPS tracking device for rare and expensive cars

Key Crime Prevention Tips

  • Lock all doors and close all windows
  • Park in a well-lit and secure area
  • Secure your keys and never leave them in your car
  • Install anti-theft devices and ensure they are working.

Key Security

In many cases of car theft, keys have been left in the ignition

  • Never leave your keys in your car
  • Do not put your name and address on any keys – use a mobile phone number
  • Keep spare car keys in a secure place at home or at work.

If Your Car Has Been Stolen

  • Report the theft to police by calling the Police Assistance Line on 131 444
  • If you require immediate police attendance, call police on Triple Zero (000)
  • Notify your insurance company immediately.
Community Crime Prevention
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Date of Publication

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