Fast Facts
Project Name: South Sudanese Youth Support for Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention
Organisation: Oyiti Foundation for Multicultural Youth Inc.
Grant fund: Youth Engagement Grants
Grant amount: $50,000

Young participants enjoy the annual basketball tournament
The project
Oyiti Foundation for Multicultural Youth Inc.’s South Sudanese Youth Support for Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention project provides a range of activities for up to 250 South Sudanese Australian children and young people aged 10 to 24 in the Greater Dandenong.
The project aims to intervene early, build family and community connections, and build positive physical and mental health amongst young people. It provides:
- mental health awareness sessions
- a homework club
- basketball activities, including an annual basketball tournament
- South Sudanese music, art and culture displays at the basketball tournament
- intergenerational workshops.
Oyiti Foundation works hard to connect young people with sports bodies, faith groups, community leaders, mental health service providers and Victoria Police in a culturally sensitive way to address the issues experienced by young people.
Nyibil Amum, the founder of the organisation comments, ‘We have seen how the simple act of playing basketball can help our youth overcome mental health challenges, build resilience, and feel a sense of purpose.’